ご覧頂きありがとうございます。アナログレコードVarious ArtistsSoul Jazz Pres Studio One...再生に問題ありません。曲目リスト1My Conversation - Campbell, Cornell2Screw Gone a North Coast - Lone Ranger3Danger in Your Eyes - Tafari, Judah Eskender4Minister for Ganja - Rappa Robert & Jim Brown5How Could You Leave - McGregor, Freddie6Give Love - Brown, Barry7White Belly Rat - Allen, Len JR8Forgive Them - Osbourne, Johnny9Live and Learn - Ellis, Alton10Happiness - Andy, Horace11Pirate - Rappa Robert & Jim Brown12Keep on Moving - Williams, Willie13Equal Rights - Heptones14Jah a the Creator - Papa Michigan & General Smiley15Empty Belly - Ethiopian (1)16No Mash Up the Dance - Earl 1617Natty Chalwa - Lone RangerStudio One Records classic70sfoundationWillie WilliamsLone RangerAlton EllisFreddie McGregorJamaicantheRolling StonesレゲエreggaeDJルーツダブボブマーリー